Writing this at the end of 2012, the list of sources for my monthly Tolkien
Transactions seems to grow longer and longer and to take up quite a bit of
space. I will therefore collect the sources here instead, and then put a link to
this page for those who wish to see the details. (Updated 2017-04-18)
Almost all the sources that I share here allows “subscription” via RSS or Atom
feeds. I subscribe to them all (and then some) using Feedly
and that is how I keep track of things. Hopefully I will at some time be able to
say something more about all the various blogs appearing here — or perhaps give
the direct links to the associated RSS feeds that I subscribe to ... but
that will have to wait until I have some more time ;-)
For practical reasons, I have split my sources into a number of sections (more
may be added at a later date):
Tolkien scholars who regularly writes on their blog about Tolkien and Tolkien-related matters.
Tolkien blogs where there's seldom something that is not related to Tolkien
Tolkienists (including scholars) who occasionally write about Tolkien-related matters on their blog
Tolkien artists whose art is inspired by Tolkien's work and who have an RSS feeds so that you can follow their work.
Tolkien news where you can find news-stories about Tolkienian matters.
Fan writings various writings by students, enthusiasts and fans of Tolkien and his work. These are mainly appropriate for newcomers to the world of Tolkien.
Tolkien Friends blogs by friends whom I have met (albeit usually only on-line) and come to know for their intelligent comemnts on Tolkien's work, but who rarely, if ever, write about Tolkienian matters on their blogs. Printed the monthly or by-monthly bulletins and newsletters of various societies.
Tolkien scholars who regularly writes on their blog about Tolkien and Tolkien-related matters.
Tolkien blogs where there's seldom something that is not related to Tolkien
Tolkienists (including scholars) who occasionally write about Tolkien-related matters on their blog
Tolkien artists whose art is inspired by Tolkien's work and who have an RSS feeds so that you can follow their work.
Tolkien news where you can find news-stories about Tolkienian matters.
Fan writings various writings by students, enthusiasts and fans of Tolkien and his work. These are mainly appropriate for newcomers to the world of Tolkien.
Tolkien Friends blogs by friends whom I have met (albeit usually only on-line) and come to know for their intelligent comemnts on Tolkien's work, but who rarely, if ever, write about Tolkienian matters on their blogs. Printed the monthly or by-monthly bulletins and newsletters of various societies.
Tolkien scholars
who regularly writes on their blog about Tolkien and Tolkien-related matters.
Dimitra Fimi, ‘Dr Dimitra Fimi’
RSS Feed
John D. Rateliff, ‘Sacnoth's Scriptorium’
RSS Feed
Jason Fisher, ‘Lingwë — Musings of a Fish’
http://lingwe.blogspot.com, RSS Feed
Michael Drout, ‘Wormtalk and Slugspeak’
http://wormtalk.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Douglas A. Anderson, ‘Tolkien and Fantasy’
http://tolkienandfantasy.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Wayne G. Hammond & Christina Scull, ‘Too Many Books and Never Enough’
http://wayneandchristina.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
David Bratman, ‘Kalimac’
http://kalimac.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
and the old home, :
John Garth, ‘John Garth’ – his blog
http://johngarth.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
John Garth, ‘John Garth’
Not a blog as such, but a web-site that is regularly updated with e.g. reviews and new information about Tolkien's early legendarium.
Anna Smol, ‘Anna Smol | A Single Leaf’
http://annasmol.net/, RSS Feed
Edmund Weiner, ‘Philoloblog’
http://philoloblog.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Sørina Higgins, ‘The Oddest Inkling’
http://theoddestinkling.mymiddleearth.com, RSS Feed
Jonathan S. McIntosh, ‘The Flame Imperishable’
http://jonathansmcintosh.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
Robin Anne Reid, her blog
http://robin-anne-reid.dreamwidth.org/ RSS Feed
Dennis Wilson Wise, ‘Stratofanatic's Emporium’
RSS Feed
Journal of Tolkien Research, Various posters
http://scholar.valpo.edu/journaloftolkienresearch/, RSS Feed
Waymeet for Tolkien Teachers, Various posters
https://waymeet.commons.mla.org/, RSS Feed
Mythgard Institute, Various posters
Signum University, Various posters
RSS Feed
Corey Olsen, ‘The Tolkien Professor’
Tolkien blogs
Tolkienists as well as Tolkien groups & societies who seldom writes about thing other than Tolkien on these blogs
The Tolkien Society, various posters
http://www.tolkiensociety.org/, RSS Feed
The Mythopoeic Society, various posters (Tolkien and the Inklings)
http://www.mythsoc.org, RSS Feed
The Mythopoeic Society, various posters, ‘The Horn of Rohan – Redux’
RSS Feed
Anders Stenström (& various), ‘Tolkienseminariet’ (in Swedish)
RSS Feed
Various, ‘The Northeast Tolkien Society’ (NETS), ‘Heren Istarion’
http://herenistarionnets.blogspot.com, RSS Feed
The Southfarthing Mathom — The new blog for the Tolkien Reading Group (Southampton UK), The Southfarthing Smial
http://southfarthingmathom2012.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
Taruithorn Miruvor — The online magazine of the Oxford Tolkien Society
http://taruithornmiruvor.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
The Grey Havens Group, various posters
http://greyhavensgroup.com/, RSS Feed
Marcel R. Aubron-Bülles, ‘The Tolkienist’
http://thetolkienist.com/, RSS Feed
Andrew Higgins, ‘Wotan's Musings’
http://wotanselvishmusings.blogspot.com, RSS Feed
Morgan Thomsen, ‘Mythoi’
Simon J. Cook, ‘Ye Machine’
http://yemachine.com, RSS Feed
Michael Martinez, ‘Middle-earth’
http://middle-earth.xenite.org/, RSS Feed
Troels Forchhammer, ‘Parma-kenta’
RSS Feed
Renée Vink, ‘Things that Ring in my Head’
Tom Hillman, ‘Alas, not me’
http://alasnotme.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Olga Polomoshnova, ‘Middle-earth Reflections’
RSS Feed
Alan Sisto & Shawn E. Marchese, ‘Prancing Pony Ponderings’
RSS Feed
Emil Johansson, ‘The LotrProject Blog’
http://lotrproject.com/blog/, RSS Feed
Holly Rodgers, ‘Teaching Tolkien’
‘Ilverai’. ‘Wandering Paths’
http://ilverai.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
Bruce Charlton, ‘Tolkien's The Notion Club Papers’
http://notionclubpapers.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
‘The Real LotR’, ‘The Real LotR’
(including scholars) who occasionally writes about Tolkien-related things on these blogs
Andrew Wells, ‘Musings of an Aging Fan’
http://wellinghall.livejournal.com, RSS Feed
Henry Gee ‘cromercrox’, ‘The End of the Pier Show’
Pieter Collier — ‘The Tolkien Library’
Tom Simon, ‘The Superversive’
http://superversive.livejournal.com/, RSS Feed
Douglas A. Anderson et Al. — ‘Wormwoodiana’
http://wormwoodiana.blogspot.com, RSS Feed
Amy H. Sturgis, ‘Redecorating Middle-Earth in Early Lovecraft’
http://eldritchhobbit.livejournal.com/, RSS Feed
Sue Bridgwater, ‘Skorn’
https://sarannarandir.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
Diana Pavlac Glyer, ‘Diana Pavlac Glyer’
http://www.dianaglyer.com, RSS Feed
Brenton Dickieson, ‘A Pilgrim in Narnia’
RSS Feed
Michael Flowers, ‘Birding with Flowers’
RSS Feed
Tolkien artists
with feeds so that you can follow their work
John Howe
http://www.john-howe.com, RSS Feed
Jenny Dolfen
http://goldseven.wordpress.com/, RSS Feed
Joe Gilranon
http://joegilronanlordoftherings.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Ted Nasmith, ‘Ted Nasmith’
http://www.tednasmith.com/, RSS Feed
Peter Xavier Price, ‘peet – Deviant Art’
http://peet.deviantart.com/, RSS Feed
Tomás Hijo, ‘Tomás Hijo Art’
Tumblr: http://tomashijoart.tumblr.com/, RSS Feed
Graeme Skinner, ‘Graeme Skinner – art, design & photography’
http://www.graeme-skinner.co.uk/wordpress/, RSS Feed
Elena Kukanova, ‘Deviant Art’
RSS Feed
Elena Kukanova, her web-site
RSS Feed
Helge C. Balzer, ‘Ars Atra’
RSS Feed
Jef Murray, ‘Jef Murray’
David Simmons, ‘Aiya Ilúvatar’
http://www.aiyailuvatar.org/, RSS Feed
Aaron Diaz, ‘The Silmarillion Project’
Tolkien news
‘Middle-earth News’
‘Tolkien’ and ‘Middle-earth’ should here be understood somewhat more broadly than my application of ‘Tolkien-related’ for admission in my transactions. http://middleearthnews.com/, RSS Feed
Various, ‘LotR – Sci-fi and Fantasy Network’
RSS Feed
Josh Vogt, ‘Tolkien Examiner’
Google News search for ‘Tolkien’
Fan Writings
Blogs by students, enthusiasts and fans of Tolkien's work. These are mainly appropriate for newcomers to the world of Tolkien.
Stephen C. Winter, ‘Wisdom from The Lord of the Rings’
RSS Feed
Ryszard Viajante Derdzinski, ‘Tolknięty’
RSS Feed
Deniz Bevan, ‘The Girdle of Melian’
RSS Feed
Jeffrey R. Hawboldt, ‘Expressions of Substance’
RSS Feed
Ben, ‘A Clearer Thinking Oasis’
RSS Feed
James Moffett, ‘A Tolkienist's Perspective’
http://atolkienistperspective.wordpress.com, RSS Feed
Jacob Keener, ‘Eldorion.com’
http://eldorion.com, RSS Feed
Thomas J. West III, ‘Queerly Different’
http://tjwest3.com/, RSS Feed
Tolkien Friends
Blogs and writings by friends I have come to know through their intelligent writings about Tolkien, but whose blogs are rarely, if ever, about Tolkienian matters.
Steuard Jensen, ‘Strings, Rings, and Other Things’
http://steuard.livejournal.com/, RSS Feed
Henry Gee, ‘The End Of The Pier Show’
http://cromercrox.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Steve Hayes, ‘Notes from underground’
http://ondermynende.wordpress.com, RSS Feed
Steve Hayes, ‘Khanya’
http://khanya.wordpress.com, RSS Feed
Blogs by medievalist scholars or news-blogs and -sites on medievalism.
Eleanor Parker, ‘A Clerk of Oxford’
RSS Feed
Jackson Crawford, ‘Tattúínárdåla Saga’
http://tattuinardoelasaga.wordpress.com, RSS Feed
Various, ‘The Heroic Age’
http://www.heroicage.org/, RSS Feed
Larry Swain, ‘The Ruminate’
http://theruminate.blogspot.com/, RSS Feed
Nancy Marie Brown, ‘God of Wednesday’
http://nancymariebrown.blogspot.com RSS Feed
Various, ‘Medievalist.net’
RSS Feed
Various, ‘British Museum blog’
http://blog.britishmuseum.org, RSS Feed
Literature Blogs
Being blogs about literature and literary topics that have occasionally featured Tolkienian material, or other other items of interest.
Josh Hanagarne, ‘World's Strongest Librarian’
http://worldsstrongestlibrarian.com, RSS Feed
Printed & subscription
The three sources listed here are in print or only available by subscription, and the links are to the websites where they can be ordered. Mythprint and Beyond Bree allow digital subscription at very reasonable rates.
Mythprint — ‘The Quarterly Bulletin of the Mythopoeic Society’
Amon Hen — the Bulletin of the Tolkien Society
http://www.tolkiensociety.org/, RSS Feed
Beyond Bree — the newsletter of the Tolkien Special Interest Group of the Americal Mensa
Hello, Troels!
ReplyDeleteI have been enjoying your monthly _Tolkien Transactions_ for several years now. This is clearly a lot of work for you on behalf of the Tolkien community, and I appreciate it greatly.
I’m writing now to tell you of a blog I became aware of a few months ago by a pair of collaborators who go by “CD.” Their blog, _doubtfulsea_, covers many topics — but it particularly emphasises Tolkien’s works. Their posts seldom look at Tolkien “news,” but rather they look in depth at a particular aspect of Middle-earth and bring in real-world pictures and maps and charts to demonstrate real-world analogues that probably Tolkien had in mind when he was writing.
A post from last month, “Strange as News from Bree” http://doubtfulsea.com/2016/02/03/strange-as-news-from-bree/ is a good example of their work.
The site as a whole is at http://doubtfulsea.com/
(I am personally acquainted with one of the authors, but have nothing to do with their site.)
Again, thank you so much for putting together this excellent resource, and best wishes from Vermont.
— Erik Mueller-Harder
Hi Erik,
ReplyDeleteThanks a lot!
At a first glance (admittedly very brief), this certainly does look interesting :)